Treasure – what a thrilling word. Not only children but also grown-ups get excited just hearing this word.
Players of this game can enjoy such excitement indoors.
In this game, a questioner hides “treasures” and challengers search for them.
(Things you use)
Treasures, memo (if necessary), double-sided tape
(How to play)
・The questioner decides places where treasures will be put.
・The questioner shows treasures to challengers before hiding them.
・While the questioner is hiding treasures, challengers leave the room.
・After the questioner has hidden all treasures, he/she tells the number of treasures to challengers, and then challengers start hunting treasures.
・When all treasures are found, or challengers give up finding, the game is over.
・If any treasures are left, the questioner collects them.
1, What is treasure?
Something moderately thick, because it is difficult to find a thin piece of paper.
Kid’s idea recommends an origami work.
Origami comes in a variety of colors and patterns, and when folded, it becomes moderately thick. If the process is short, even small children can make it without getting bored. If you like origami, something like a ninja star (shuriken) is also good.
Give a number to each treasure so that you can manage which treasures are found/unfound.

2, How many treasures do I hide?
Three to five for each challenger would be great.
Depending on the number of challengers and the space where you hide treasures, you can decide how many of them you want.
3, Is a prize necessary?
The questioner decides if he/she prepares a prize or not in advance.
Applauding the challenger who found the most treasures with other challengers, giving found treasures to challengers as prize, or replacing treasures into prize….There are many ways.
4, Memo or drawing
When multiple challengers hide treasures, or the number of treasures are many, a memo or treasure map drawing would be helpful.

5, Where to hide treasures
Treasures should be hidden in a safe location.
Avoid high places for children and places where there are dangers such as fire and water, for example, kitchens and bathrooms.
Tell your children not to use such places, especially when they play alone.

6, Not “hide” but SET
The basic rule is, place it so that it can be found in one action. Think of it as “setting” treasures rather than “hiding” them.
(Good exapmples)
・When picking up a book, a challenger can find a treasure (better to choose their favorite book)
・When pulling out a drawer, a challenger can find a treasure.

(Bad examples)
・Setting a treasure inside of a book box or book cover (e.g., dictionary).
・Setting a treasure in a book on a packed book shelf.
7, Change setting levels
It would be more fun if you change difficulty levels. Some treasures can be found easily, and others are difficult to find.
The questioner can also enjoy using his or her brain for how to place it.
(Easy cases)
・Treasure with distinctive color.
・Place a treasure at a height that matches challenger’s eye level.
・Place a treasure near things a challenger likes or often touches.

There are some places where it is difficult to find even though a treasure is visible.
That is called “camouflage setting”.
・Set a yellow treasure on a yellow plush.
・Attach a brown treasure on a brown door.

8, Tips to keep participants entertained
What can you do to make children want to play this game repeatedly?
・ It is a good idea to set the treasure in an easy place at first for practice.
・ Place a treasure in a place where it is easy to find even in an actual game.
・ If challengers can’t find a treasure, give them a hint. More than one hint should be prepared.

9, When children play games alone
If children play this game alone, they may get into trouble. It’s wise to tell children what they note before problems arise. For instance
・ Where are the dangerous places?
・ What should they not use?
・ Set rules before playing. etc.

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